ArreniA allows synchronizing information between points of sale and a central purchasing guaranteeing the management through the purchasing center while having a constant visibility of the store activity. The integrity of the product catalog is thus guaranteed through the network by the Purchasing center.
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Key points
Complete Synchronization in your sales network1
Master and manage your sales network with a solution that allows you to perform continuous synchronization process of the different points.
Purchasing center, only manager of tills and stock2
With ArreniA, have a global visibility on store stocks from the purchasing center, which remains manager of the tills and store stocks. The merchandise can be reintegrated into the purchasing center by generating a supplier return voucher that will be sent as a return request.
Product Catalog Integrity3
The purchasing center maintains product catalog integrity (product by family, brand, and batch) with different tariffs and diffuses data across the network.
Keeping the customer portfolio up to date4
Have a customer portfolio updated constantly, the stores send new customers or customers whose information has been changed (name and address, telephone)
Stores sending revenues5
The purchasing center remains updated regarding the store activity by receiving all the documents created (delivery voucher, customer return, supplier return, purchase order form, voucher, receipt, voucher, return voucher, reintegration voucher, invoice for Sales, credit memo, customer order, proforma invoice). Follow your treasury, as the stores send all transactions with the following information: status, third party, date, payment mode, credit, debit, transaction status.
Goods’ transfer automation6
The purchasing center sends the merchandise to the various stores by creating transfer vouchers that will be sent as good receipts.
Summarized or detailed transmission7
Depending on your needs, you can choose the sending mode that fits you best: only one document is transmitted at the end of the day, combining the entire activity (summary mode) or all the documents with all the details (detailed mode).
Auto Transmission8
Synchronization via Internet can be automated. So after a period of time defined in minutes, data will be sent automatically.
Manual transmission in case of internet outage9
If there is no Internet, the exchange can be done manually via removable media. So the activity can continue without interruption.
Security and settings10
Editing and deleting sent documents and transactions are subject to access rights. In ArreniA, every action is secured by permission. The application is also configurable to suit your needs via settings.