Xycomat – Exit Control
Managing exit of merchandise from warehouses
One of the biggest challenges in inventory management is the control of the merchandise at its exit from the warehouse. Xycomat offers an application to address this problem by proposing a rigorous goods issue inspection when leaving the warehouse, so verification will handle using the same delivery voucher several times. Traceability is also guaranteed by associating driver and vehicle information to the delivery voucher once used.
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Goods issue inspection with delivery voucher barcode scan1
At the time of leaving the warehouse, the delivery voucher barcode is scanned, so you make sure that the information is well stored in your database and thus guarantee the follow-up of the delivery voucher once left.
In case of multiple exit, a notification is generated2
In case the same delivery voucher is used to release other merchandise; the system detects it, triggers a notification on the terminal for the keeper to take the necessary measures and the information is automatically saved in the database.
Detection of non-company generated delivery voucher3
If a delivery voucher is falsified, and its reference does not exist, the system detects it and reports on Xycomat mobile application as well as on the database.
To each delivery voucher are associated the vehicle and driver information4
When the merchandise is taken out of the warehouse, the information about the user and the vehicle used to release the merchandise is associated with the delivery voucher in the database.
If the information is already registered, the security agent verifies it; otherwise he enters the vehicle ID, driver name and his driving license number
Integration with Works 5
Xycomat Mobile solution integrates seamlessly with your Inabex Works management software, ensuring consistency in your database and end-to-end automation of the process.
Mobile interface convenience6
Taking advantage of the latest technologies on mobile, Xycomat offers an intuitive and very simple application to easily start with and allowing quick adaptability.
Multilingual Interface7
Xycomat supports several languages to be used more easily by everyone in the company: it supports Arabic, French and English. You can customize your interface in the preferences.
Security and settings 8
Xycomat is fully secured through various access rights and roles, allowing you to have a precise administration of the actions performed and the affected entities. A considerable number of settings will allow you to customize Xycomat workflow according to your own needs.
Use Cases
Exit Logging
Goods issue logging with information related to the vehicle and driver concerned as well as the agent who did the verification at the exit. In case of a problem, these logs are of great value.
Multiple usage of the same delivery voucher
In case the same delivery voucher is used to release other merchandise; the system detects it, notifies it on the terminal so that the security agent takes his measures and the information is automatically saved on the database.
Detection of fraudulent use of a falsified delivery voucher
If a delivery voucher is falsified, and its reference does not exist, the system detects and reports it on Xycomat mobile application as well as on the database.